Thursday, February 17, 2011

Charlie Sheen, do you HEAR yourself? Get a grip!

The trials and tribulations of those in show biz do not keep usually me up at night, though I do occasionally shake my head as they make headlines for some new foible. I do feel sad in my heart for children run wrong by their exposure to the glare of the floodlight.

However, I find myself yelling "oh for heaven's good sake" (or the testy equivalent thereof ) about Charlie Sheen and his current gutter crawl, and,  more than his actions, his recent words in which he seem to wonder what all the fuss it about.

Well let's see Charlie boy:

You have.....been charged with threatening your wife in the presence of your children, riot in a NY hotel room a door or two away from your children, screaming threats and be all but incoherent when found, and then disparage the escort whom you paid to play because she dates men for money. ...partied in a stage of drug and/or alcohol intoxication until you collapsed in pain and have to have 911 called.  Then you check into "rehab" home .  And let us not forget that you have been through  real rehab before, and only because your father turned you in in order to save your life. You were (or said you were) grateful. You have since careened through the above behavior, and then, (and this is what makes me throw things at the television) call in to your buddy's radio show to whine when they shut down production on your television show,.which seemed to come as a surprise to you. Why was the door locked? Oh gee, I don't know, Charlie, perhaps because you are a public train wreck? I can only marvel at the gall you display when you said that sobriety does not set well with you, and that they should catch you while it lasts, as it may not be long. You also pointed, with pride, mind you, to your belief that you had never shown up for work drunk. Tired perhaps, but not drunk. that what the current term is for  the aftermath of a drug or alcohol fueled bacchanal? You marked it as the sign of the true pro that you made sure the stage directions called for you to lean on furniture to compensate.  Are we the only ones who think you are becoming your tragic/comedic series character in what passes for your real life?

OK, Charlie, either you are a better actor than I gave you credit for, and the recent radio comments are all said  in jest, or you are clueless as to the irony. If you were kidding, and realize what a mess you are, why do you not DO something about it? If you ain't kidding, you are one more bad party away from killing yourself , or doing something to someone else that will land you in jail. And what of whomever you do whatever it is to?

You are a mess, huge, pathetic, hanging on by one fingernail,  careless mess. You are not a charming rascal. You are a sot. Shut the hell up , go away, and get some help. No one wants to hear another story that includes , you, a party, drugs, alcohol, escorts, adult film stars .....because we are all sure that you are only one such episode away from  the next story being your obit.

If you really think that sobriety does not sit well with you, do you think that death becomes you? If you are beyond caring about that, then try (if only for the briefest of moments) to think of just whom you might be taking with you. 

They locked the doors because they do not want to continue to support your rapid decline by providing employment.  The public should stop watching you for the  same reason.

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