Thursday, January 27, 2011

My baby is moving away!

A clarification. Both of my children moved away a number of years ago. Each moved to Seattle to go to college, and never moved home. My youngest is now moving to New York , which for some reason, feels like she is realllly moving away. My guess is that I have gotten so comfortable with Seattle, and them both living there, that this change seems so big.

It was a big deal when we moved my eldest onto campus, coming on ten years ago.. However, she was only "away at school", came home for summer holidays, and I had a high school student at home to occupy my thoughts. My eldest got work, stopped coming home other than for Christmas, and my youngest eventually followed her to school. My youngest never came home for summer, so when she left, I truly had an empty nest. However, I became accustomed to going up to see them and, after so many years, know my way around their neighborhood. When  I visited, I could see them both.

Now my youngest has graduated from the university , and after a few months of continuing to work at the job she has had through her time at school, has decided to seek her future and fortunes in New York by joining her best friend there.   It is, in fact, farther away--about 2,000 miles farther. It also is relatively unfamiliar territory for me. I have been in New York twice, (briefly)but more as a tourist than as a visitor of any length of time. Now that my girl is getting on a plane tomorrow night (snow and God willing) it seems even farther and unknown.

Mind you, this is a kid who can more than take care of herself in any city, probably better than I. It will be an exciting adventure while she figures out if NY is for her, and see if she can find gainful enough employment to pay rent, and to be happy in her newly chosen home.  It is her mother who is dealing with continental separation anxiety.

If she does take up long time residence there, I will no doubt visit. Over time, I will be able to find my way about. If she does not stay, she will likely end up back in Seattle . Which would not break either my or her sister's heart, but only if it was what she really wanted.  In the end, if she is happy, we will be. We just need to adjust. Eventually.

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