Hate--Hate speech--hate crimes. There has been some debate as to whether a crime should carry a heavier penalty if it is deemed a hate crime. Part of that debate has been whether any government or law enforcement body can properly define what a hate crime is, as opposed to "just" a terrible crime. I leave that for finer legal minds than mine. However, legal definitions aside, I think I know good old-fashioned hate when I see it and hear it. I think we all do. I give you in example that "church" (in name only if you forgive my saying so) which has made it their mission to spread the message that God hates gay people, and hates this country for accepting them,( how well we are doing that and in what fashion I will take on later) and moreover, that He is making sure our military die in service to their country as a demonstration of that hate.
This congregation of hate-spreading people (notice I am not dignifying them with their name) spend the majority of their time seeking out the funerals of military personnel, and doing their best to further torment the families of the deceased by making sure that they are well-informed on the subject of God's hate for their loved one. How they have the guts to call themselves people of God, I will never know. If ever there were candidates for a lightening bolt from above, and good smite-down, these are them. Their actions have been taken to court, and thus far their hate-filled actions have been protected by the legal opinion that they are protected by their constitutional freedom of religion. One aspect of the debate is whether there can be any conditions put on this freedom, as there is on freedom of speech (i.e. the oft-cited example of not being able to shout fire in a crowded theater). I will interested to see where this ends up. In the meantime I want to suggest we all rise up to decry their actions, their attitude and their use of God's name in a way that I consider it taking it in vain. Sullying it beyond recognition, really. There are those who have risen up , and have my undying respect. One motorcycle group had taken it as their task to attend military funerals and serve as a human shield between these people claiming to speak for God and the bereaved family. Bless them.
I go to church , I believe in God, and I believe that God loves us, for all our flaws. Were I a better person I would have to admit that he might even love these people too. I do not. I am horrified by their actions , and resent the Hell out of their daring to say they speak for God. . They are the worst part of the problem with people turning away from the Church, which they see as filled with judgemental condemning people.
There is so much good we could be doing in God's name. Feeding the hungry , sheltering the homeless, helping those who hurt. I think that last thing we should be doing in God's name is causing pain.
The mere repeating over and over that being gay is a sin leads to an atmosphere in which our children turn away from what they see as the condemning church, and so many still hide who they are and fear being discovered. Bullying and other cruelties support this fear.
A gay young man was recently outed by a secret sex video made and spread on the Internet by his roommate. In the face of this, he killed himself. Other children, harassed and denounced and degraded by schoolmates about their sexuality, have also taken their own lives. Where did their classmates learn their cruel and condemning attitudes? There is a song (so well written by Stephen Sondheim) from Into The Woods, called "Children Will Listen" It says, in part " Careful the things you say, children will listen...careful the things you do for they will see..."
I know hate when I see it and hear it, as well as its close cousins prejudice and condemnation. Rise up against that whole damned family. The child you save (figuratively and literally) may be your own.
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