Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Emails of terror

I am more than weary of the oft-forwarded  emails claiming to warn you of some awful threat, word or deed. 9 times out of 10 they are hooey. About a third  of the hooey missives are old and long debunked, perhaps dressed up or updated to appear current or more true. Another third are just plain false. (usually the really frightening ones, like tarantulas in the cactus, monsters under the bed, etc.)  A third have a nugget of truth spun into some great tale to prove the senders point about "those people" , that party, that race, that politician. Not that some politicians don't deserve a shift kick, but hoist them upon their own words, not those cut and pasted into  a hodge podge intended to make some case against them.

It has become a fine art to make such hooey of the above three types sound legit enough to concern or at least interest  the recipient enough to forward it to numerous friends and family. The more it is repeated, the more it takes on a life of its own.

Hello out there. Before you forward it to your mother, your aunt, your baby sister, check it out first! My own mother only sends them to me to check the veracity. And if you are the ones sending out the ones that tell only half the truth to make some political or social point, shame on you. Make your point with the truth. Originality is underrated. Debate the truth. Differences of opinion have value. Trying to bring people over to your view with (substitute your own word for hooey here ) is just plain hooey.

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