I am tired. Tired for a number of reasons. Tired of being angry at the despicable twit of a man and the people who elected him President It is, however, inescapable. Every day he bleats or tweets some new chunk of narcissistic and self serving crap, and signs (with a showman's flourish) yet another executive order to undo years of progress on so many fronts. Tired of being the only person of the loyal opposition reading my local newspaper full of letters of ignorance and smug condemnation of all things left of center. Writing my furious ( and often published ) letters to the editor when I just can't let something go by.
And in my fury of the state of things, I say and do ( like I always have), whatever I can to keep fighting against prejudice and ignorance.
And exhausted at the thought that the monsters have ( for the moment) won, and have encouraged the worst of our society to feel free to say out loud what they have thought.
And then saddened, even defeated, when comments are made, in print, on Facebook, on TV, to the effect of "who the hell do you think YOU are?" Or " thanks so much, its about time, where ya been”, or "what do you know about it, with all your privilege?" Well, I am pretty sure I have been right here, saying the same things I always have, supporting the same people I always have. I am pretty sure this isn't a bandwagon that I haven't been on before. And, as I responded to someone, although I haven't had to deal with it all my life, nor from the inside, I still hope to be a help to the work.
Part of the fight ( for reproductive rights) is very much mine. As old as I am, I also have dealt with my fair share of sexist crap. However, my life has never been in danger for who I am. And I get through my day to day life without being seen as a threat to life and limb or the very fabric of society.
But I care, and hate injustice and prejudice and will keep saying so. No matter what it looks like to either side, or how late they think I am to the party.
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