How did this happen? How did we come to a place where a man who said (out loud, I heard it) that contraception is dangerous, and said that a woman should accept a pregnancy that resulted from a rape as a " gift from God" could be considered a viable candidate for President of our country? I have noticed ( not the first, of course) that human behavior has a history of patterns of pendulum swings of action and in reactionary. The Victorian Era followed by the Roaring 20's, the placid and conservative 50's and then the swinging 60's, civil rights movement, women's rights, etc. Clinton followed by Bush, followed by Obama. Sometimes you just can't take it anymore.
It frightens me that the current reaction is to call our president a Marxist, most of the Democratic party leftist , Communist, socialist, and to suggest that contraception for women is an optional party-favor that is the equivalent of a free ride to recreational sex at the public's expense if it is part of a health plan. Worse than that, a candidate that has been a serial liar and adulterer, and accused of fraud, protested in indignation that anyone should raise the subject of his suspect integrity. When did the Republican party come to be represented by such dreck? And why are people listening?
Did we women folk get too far out of the kitchen? Did we get too ambitious in who we elected? Did too many of "those people who are not like us" get too much power, or get too damned comfortable amongst us living their lives that are not like ours? I think perhaps too many people got too darned accepting. In fear, we passed a national law defining marriage in a way to make sure it excluded those other people. Churches who have allowed gay clergy find congregations leaving their denominations in protest. We made the mistake of making people's comfortable lives uncomfortable by acceptance of things they not only don't accept, and don't want others to accept, they don't want to have to see.
Freedom of religion has come to mean attempting to force others to conform to your world view, or at least doing your damnedest to make sure they cannot live their own.
I would say watch out for the reaction, but it already happening. Young people are disgusted by those who claim to speak for Christianity. They don't speak for all, but they are heard the loudest.
Likewise those that think it is their place to dictate when and if a woman gives birth, and or access to birth control. This is progress?
How did this happen? How did we let it?
How do we stop it?
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