Old high school friends have found me on Facebook, via my connection with other old high school friends with whom I am also otherwise friends as well. They made friend requests, and seem happy to have found me, so accept I do. They are sweet to me, and "like" my posts, and all that. The downside is that a number of the more recently acquired friends come from the extreme opposite of my politics. They do not post overtly political things, which is good. They do, however" like" and comment on a lot of posts and pages (which therefore pop up on my FB newsfeed) that make me grind my teeth. So I either post a no doubt unwanted comment, or block that page going forward.
I am so verrrrrry tired of those with extremely conservative views who seem to be boiling out their hate and disrespect for our President. The names, the degradation of any all things to do with him and his wife absolutely dismay me. I had a ton of disagreements with the most recent President Bush, but calling out his every move, his every blink, calling his wife names? I have never seen such a level of disgust for two human beings. I am sure they are considered deserving of same by those who pour it out, but so much of it is knee jerk. The worst is thought first, because ," well, it's HIM, no wonder!"
Many have said that it is racial. It is hard to imagine what he could have done or been that would cause the entire cadre of the Republican incumbent House to swear from day one that their goal was for him to fail. A man well spoken, well educated, calm and gracious in manner met with so much utter disdain before he could move in. A mere "community organizer" with "no experience" (senator, anyone?) with a foreign father, "Muslim ties". And Trump is a viable candidate who is " refreshing?"
You have to wonder how much of our President's offense was not only being of the opposing party, but being well spoken ( who does he think he is?) , willing to admit America has flaws ("let's make America great again!...well, really, let's just find someone who will claim is is flawless and the best, no matter what it does, because to do otherwise is treasonous." ) and , black. Trifecta!
Do you think my conservative old high school friends would understand if I unfriended them just so I can't see the garbage they "like?" Or shall I get my revenge by sharing and liking overtly liberal posts just to aggravate their friends? Vengeance, thy name is Facebook.