I am posting this here, instead of Facebook, because I am not quite sure what the consequences would be, nor if I am ready to reap them. However I just have to say:
Those of my Christian friends who feel that the recent Supreme Court ruling declaring the right of same sex couples to marry is a blow against religious freedom: do not expect sympathy or support from me if you post about your fear that the great Gay Agenda will cause long lines in front of your church ready to sue your pastor or church if you refuse to host their wedding. I also do not need your patriotic posts reminding me of the Christian faith of the Founding Fathers.
I also do not need posts of pastors explaining to all of good faith to bear with this challenge and love the sinner, if not the sin. How very good of you to lump in a person's sexuality with all those other amoral sins. I sure all my gay friends and family will rush to church now that you have explained it is just another sin to be cleansed of.
Lastly, if you want to drive me from the church, please post that pastor's 40 questions to ask we wrong headed Christians to demonstrate to us chapter and verse why homosexuality is against God's Law and Christ's teachings. I am not interested in a Biblical throw down. What do you really expect the result to be? I will say, oh silly me, there are those verses that prove that all these people are wrong and should either switch sides or be celebate...and I am to support them?
I am a Christian because I believe His death saved me by Grace. I believe that to be the central teaching of the Bible. If you persist with quoting me chapter and verse as to why I should turn my back on same sex couples, and fear or undermine their right to marry, be careful what you wish for. I will have to say that I reject the teaching of the Bible and therefore be an unchurched Christian if there is such a thing
What I really want to say is. Get the hell over it, and get out of the way. Cluck and tsk amongst yourselves if you must. But if you persist in doing your best to convince me that I am not good Christian if I accept homosexuality and the rights of gays to marriage, then maybe I need to leave the church as you define it.