Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What this election is really all about.

I am so very tired of this election being represented as being about The Democrats wanting to take your hard earned money and give it to others who do not work, do not pay taxes and who are living off you with a sense of entitlement.

It is NOT just about the money, stupid!  It is about the RIGHTS that many in the Republican party want to take away from other because they do not believe in them.  The planks in the Republican platform that seek to outlaw abortion or prevent gay marriage are not acceptable to me. If it is your religious belief, then make those decisions for your own life. Stay out of the private lives of others. And don't give me that Sandra Fluke and all of you entitlement babies want " us" to pay for your sexual freedom crap.  We are not talking about who pays for these rights . We are talking about a party that wants to outlaw them.  Not on my watch.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Nevertheless and other mind wanderings

One of the things that I amuse myself with from time to time is the creation of new rock band names, and clever names for coffee places. Daily Grind and Perk U up are taken, as are good ones for Church run ones like Higher Grounds, Holy Grounds, and He-brews. I really love that last one.

I like band names like Sixpence None the Richer... literary sorts. Tonight I thought of Nevertheless, but it is taken. A definition of nevertheless includes "notwithstanding"  so there's a thought. Or perhaps None the less, but that borders on theft from None the Richer, don't you think? I will come up with a good one. Not Strawberry Alarm Clock or Lovin' Spoonful for me. oooh how about "Actually?" I could always annoy my mother and other sticklers (including me) with Irregardless, or Very Unique.

On coffee place names: From the Grounds Up?  Caffination Fascination?  eh...  Have a cuppa? Hubba cuppa? Hill o beans? It's Bean too long..argh. Brew 4 U?  Cafe Cofee? Hmm beans, grounds, grind, Grounds for ....? On what grounds? Daily espresso (taken) B and O espresso (Seattle) ...Cafe Tia lise? Cafe today...Au lait?  Ah well, I will keep on thinking. Power Howz? Powerhowz Cafe?

Ok , enough for now. I will add to this when I come up with the best ones.

This has been sitting in drafts for a cat's age. I came up with Working Theory tonight. as in "well the working theory is.."  I like it for a band name. I should look it up to see if anyone is using it. I know that the production company that produced Love Actually was Working Title , but I am hoping mine is an original thought.

I can dream can't I? More later .

The Power of Laughter, and of memory...

There was a commercial on tonight. I am not sure what it's theme had to do the Power of German Engineering, but it caught me. It was a lot of different people, ranging in age from toothless baby to toothless elder, all dissolved in laughter. It was contagious and caught me off guard with a memory of my father and I, collapsed in helpless laughter over a ridiculously silly joke. I remember my mother shaking her head in amused disbelief as we literally rolled on the floor, trying to stop while we held our stomachs and gasped for breath.  I was going to say that I could not remember the last time that I was caught up like that, but then I remembered Liz and I , out of control about another ridiculous story. Jen shakes her head at us. Maybe that kind of shared hilarity is genetic. It is a cherished memory of my father for me. I sure hope my kids will remember that kind of silliness, along with all the other parts of my parental legacy.